Sensei Wilko Vriesman, the chairman of the International Aikido Federation (BAF), who traveled to Azerbaijan for the first time, signed a memorandum with two organizations. In order to find answers to our questions about the details of this historical event and the existence of a link between Aikido and psychology, we had a meeting with Rovshan Nazarli, the chief psychologist of the IDDO Mental Health Program, a clinical psychologist. I would like to thank Mr. Rovshan for his detailed answers to our questions and for giving us his valuable time.
What is the International Aikido Federation (BAF)? And why was the arrival of its chairman to Azerbaijan marked as such an important and sensational event?
First of all, I would like to thank you for pay attention to this important event. As we know, Aikido is the only form of combat in which it is possible to kill, break and love the other side at the same time, that is, Aikido can be an earthquake when it is needed, and a sun when it is needed. And that means I have the power, I can destroy you, but I’m so high that I just let you go. At this peak, understanding Aikido is considered the highest limit of human existence, that is, at this limit, a person, as a part of nature, is nourished by it and also controls it. This limit is the limit of living and maintaining harmony.
Aikido originated in Japan and the center, AIKIKAY, is located in Tokyo. It is in this center that the historical culture of Aikido is preserved. But since there were several branches of Aikido and later separations, BAF, that is, the center where the World Aikido Federations are united, was created. Currently, this center has more than 200 members.
Although Azerbaijan was a member of this family a few years ago, the development has not been encouraging. For this reason, Sensei Wilko Vriesman was a guest of Azerbaijan in order to gather Aikido schools and unite them under one umbrella. He met with all the schools and gave his recommendations to everyone. There was only one intention here, the development and promotion of Aikido, because Azerbaijani Aikido as a sport is not well known in the international arena.
As in all sports, every athlete wants to promote his nation and state in the international arena. The arrival of Sensei Wilko Vriesman to Azerbaijan is therefore considered a sensational event. As a final result, Azerbaijan Aikido is now entering the international arena and will be able to promote the ideology of its nation and state there. This means that Azerbaijan’s culture and love of peace, as well as its strength, will be demonstrated to 200 countries and nations.
This is not just a word, this is a serious and historical event. Because such events happen once in a thousand years. One of the main points of the memorandum signed between “IDDO” and “BAF” is to conduct research by constructing projects within the framework of the theory of “I and him, he and you”. I express my gratitude to everyone who will participate in this international project, and I congratulate the people of Azerbaijan.
Two memorandums were signed at the press conference. We ask you to explain their difference and importance to us.
This was not in the program. As a result of a coincidence, we discovered a great treasure, namely each other. On May 15, we met Sensei at the airport and put him in a hotel. Then there was an acquaintance at the tea table. I asked, sensei, what is your profession?
He just looked into my eyes and calmly noted that he is a psychotherapist. At that moment, I felt that sensei had been analyzing us since morning. This meant that not one but two doors were opened for Azerbaijan. This conversation lasted until two in the morning and we talked sweetly. Sensei told us about what Aikido does to the human psyche. He explained how we can overcome diseases with Aikido. I also started informing him about IDDO. He liked this situation very much and said that we can do great things together.
As a result, a memorandum was signed between BAF and IDDO. The main purpose of concluding the memorandum is to share scientific experiences in both Aikido and Psychology. Continuous discussions will be held within the framework of cooperation with these countries and the IDDO program will be promoted. International seminars and series of events will be held in Azerbaijan. As a result of these events, world athletes will be our guests.
This was the significance and principle of the two memorandums concluded on 16.05.23. The sharing of experiences and support for each other will be carried out both on the development of Aikido and the science of psychology. As a result of this cooperation, we will be able to form our mental and physical health. As a result, our society will flourish.
What is IDDO, what is its role in human life?
IDDO is a Mental Health Program. The saddest thing about modern times is that the human psyche is constantly crushed under the flow of information. For this reason, drug addiction or addiction to electronics, laziness, etc. such problems start to increase rapidly. As a result of this situation, the new generation is born closed from the moment of birth. The rapid increase in autism is a clear example of this.
With the application of IDDO, it speeds up the processing and digestion of the information received by our psyche, and it ensures that we manage this load instead of being crushed under the load. An individual who understands IDDO is already thinking, “Why did this happen?!”, “Wow! What should I do now?” he does not think and just does what is necessary. In the same way, a person who understands Aikido is far away from quarrels, intrigues and arguments. Because he realizes that he is a supreme being and arguing or arguing is not superiority but just animality. When understanding IDDO, a person rises to a higher level, that is, regains mental health. Now imagine what would happen if the two were together?
That is, a person has reached both mental and physiological health or the highest level of humanity.
As far as I know, you yourself have been practicing Aikido for many years. I am sure you love Aikido very much. What would you recommend to the society to love Aikido?
To love Aikido, let’s first see what Aikido is. Aikido is a serious, tough, but at the same time, loving form of fighting that reflects the ancient Japanese culture and calls people to supremacy and peace. The history of Aikido is connected to the samurai, that is, it is their relic. Aikido differs from other sports as a form of combat. Aikido techniques are destructive, lethal. The creation and love of peace also originates from here. He is able to leave respectfully without causing any harm, even though he has the ability to break and kill. This thought is the highest limit of supremacy. When we understand this, we understand ourselves, we understand the universe, and we do not force anyone. At the same time, we do not bow down to anyone. As a calm soul, we can enter into harmony with the universe, we understand the laws of nature.
Aikido combines the highest power of nature. Due to the existence in front of him, he can create a tsunami and annihilate him with his entire existence, and in his own sea, he can crush and destroy a bull as hard as lightning, and at the same time, he can nurture him by giving love to the opponent, like the love a mother gives to her child. Aikido is a supreme martial art that combines all three powers.
An interesting point emerges when looking at the difference between people who understand Aikido and those who don’t. Thus, an individual who understands Aikido is self-confident, understanding, strong, sound-minded, able to control himself and control the other party. Because he first conquered himself. A person who overcomes himself, understands himself, feels his dreams and his soul is the highest person.
How will this person behave? In his personal life, he will ensure his activities as a calm person, and he will be able to easily overcome all the obstacles that come his way. If someone wants to harm him, he will have a personality with the psyche to defeat him with his strength without fighting with him.
But what about a person who does not understand aikido? If a person has not yet been able to overcome himself, he will try to overcome his environment to confirm himself. At this time, he will lose both his energy and time. Apart from harming himself, he will also cause serious harm to those around him.
Understanding and living the philosophy of Aikido is happiness itself. The main goal of creating Aikido is to spread peace to the world. For this, it is necessary to achieve mental and physiological health. I would like to mention that Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba as a protest against the world war, and it promotes trust, love, harmony, equality, self-confidence, calm spirit, etc. was able to ensure the formation and propagation of sublime feelings.
In order to have these sublime feelings, it is important to practice Aikido and understand its philosophy.
In the end, what would you like to say to our readers?
In order to be healthy and happy, everyone, regardless of age, must first be able to overcome himself. In order to overcome himself, he must understand his individuality, understand me and be able to love himself. It is not only a parent or a child, but both must understand this and master the laws of nature. The most beautiful way to overcome oneself is through Aikido, and the successful way to understand nature is through IDDO. By combining these two ways, we can get the key to happiness. My recommendation is that they go in search of this key.
The universe is illuminated by SCIENCE, let’s not be afraid of the dark and step towards development with IDDO.